Data Lakehouse


Organizing data and analytic assets in a manner that achieves faster, higher returns on investment, Tensile AI’s Data Lakehouse (DHL) solution is an evolution for the healthcare industry and necessary to realize the full potential of data science at-scale.



With our healthcare Data Lakehouse (DLH) solution, Momento, your Data Lake and the Data Warehouse will work in combination and instead of processing data in the Lake and then pushing it out to other tools for both traditional BI and data science, the DLH becomes a single data store that can handle any query.

As we get more and more data on patients and members, there is a need to refine our analyses based on the heterogeneity of that data. This means a greater amount of modeling on a growing number of cohorts with the ability to get deeper, more refined insights on smaller segments of our populations. Neither the Data Warehouse nor the Data Lake are built to handle this.

The DLH is an evolution for the healthcare industry and necessary to realize the full potential of data science at-scale.





Tensile AI delivers strategic roadmaps and tactical implementation plans that allow your organization to rapidly deploy analytics all while implementing or mainlining governance over your data ecosystem. Through our Blueprint process, Tensile AI recommends optimized sourcing, storage and technology that is tailored to the specific needs of Healthcare organizations.

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Although enterprise data governance efforts have been launched at many healthcare organizations, the success rate of these initiatives hasn’t been encouraging. Payers and provider organizations are accumulating ever-increasing amounts of data from new sources from which they hope to glean deeper insights. However, in most organizations, the benefits to analytics from all of this extra data has been nominal in most cases.

Consensus is a change management solution from Tensile AI. Our framework integrates data and analytics under one governance umbrella, creating a collaborative and accountable governance model which is essential to support the decisions and processes around critical analytics initiatives.

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